Preserving Your Children'S Inheritance
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Preserving Your Children's Inheritance

Do I Need Estate Planning? - Preserving Your Children's Inheritance
Estate Administration is the process by which, with or without court supervision, the assets of an estate are distributed among beneficiaries, heirs and creditors. Even if you don't become incapacitated, you still have to pass your assets on after 6101.1 your death. Some of the issues that require decisions are the handling of Probate, why you should use an attorney, Joint Tenancy, Powers of Attorney for Asset Management and Health Care, Living Wills, Living Trusts, etc.. If these decisions are not made ahead of time and your heirs need help settling the estate, expenses may average 4% to 5% of the typical estate. Additionally, distribution of those assets can take 6 months and sometimes 2 years or more! So where do you go from here?
What you need is an Access Plan
Access Plan
There are many challenges families must face today; incapacity, nursing home and medical costs, safeguarding assets for the benefit of heirs, reducing financial risk and taxation, excessive legal fees, 6202.1 and out-of-pocket expenses.
Some of the major illnesses that affect the elderly today are Alzheimer's Disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer or a heart attack. Nursing home costs can exceed $70,000 per year and become a heavy financial burden to the well-spouse at home. The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services says that people who reach age 65 have a 40% chance of entering a nursing home. About 10% will stay there five years or more. If that wasn't scary enough, Medicare does not pay for Long-Term Care. Some of the common excuses you hear for not planning for Long-Term Care are: my kids say they will take care of me or I'll use my savings since it will happen at the end of my life, and the list goes on.
So what do you do? The 6303.1answer is simple. Find a company that provides a membership giving you access to the experts in all of the areas discussed above and let them show you how it is done. A company that provides access to knowledgeable attorneys to discuss how loved ones may avoid stress and anxiety associated with Medicaid and incapacity. To show you techniques for reducing nursing home costs. A comprehensive legal plan to access attorneys at any time about any issue you may have. Attorneys who can help you decide what estate plan is best suited for your given situation.
This type of Estate Planning is utilized by more than 10 million Americans nationwide, including 4,000 unions, corporations and organizations. Let the experts, with all of the appropriate forms and documents, take care of these issues for you all under one package.
This article has been written for information and interest only. The information contained within this article is the opinion of the author only, and should not be construed as advice or used to make financial decisions. Expert financial advice should always be sought and any links contained within this article are included for information purposes only.
