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The 6 Simple Steps for Generating Sales Leads Generating leads is a smart way to support your ...more>>
A high morale work place is essential to any business. Low morale can quickly take your business of ...more>>
The former Secretary in the Ministry of Finance who donned the role of chief of Finance commission Mr.Vijay ...more>>
Microsoft's search engine Bing continued to pick up market share in the U.S. for the second straight month ...more>>
During financial meltdown, companies consider layoffs as the only panacea to profit and profitability witho ...more>>
It was traditional thinking when women were not given a chance to reach the top positions because of family ...more>>
Downsizing can be defined as, ‘a set of organizational activities undertaken by the management, designed ...more>>
Most of the telecom companies have their own signature tunes so people identify and connect with the brand ...more>>
People who have been following my Gtalk status message and Facebook are quite aware how Sprinklr is doing ...more>>
Social Media Optimization or SMO refers to the website optimization for Social Media in order to achieve ...more>>
They run out of money. They are toooptimistic about when their product is going to be accepted by the marke ...more>>
Work culture plays an important role in organization success. Hard times push organization to the limit wh ...more>>
Today as the world economy has headed towards revival, it isour optimism that can help us get going and ...more>>
A lot of people often ask me, what’s the difference between advertising and public relations? Advertisin ...more>>
It’s rainy-time again and we’re all dreaming of relaxing in sunny places, (we’d be lucky if we had e ...more>>
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