Business blogs
Abhijit Kar
"Self Actualization is the intrinsic growth of what is already in the
organism, or more accurately, of what
We often heard "we / you are not organised" or "we / you should get
organised" … from top management to j
Press Releases can help your business gain publicity through the
media. Having media attention gives your
Gunjan Sinha
As we enter this new era of slow growth and tight budgets it has
become more critical for companies to devi
Abhijit Kar
opinion about honesty is the response against an excellent question
posted by a connection in one of
Abhijit Kar
my birthday this year a friend mailed me a story, which had great
impact on my thought process in term
Variable pay is compensation
linked to individual, team, and/or organization performance.
Alisha Nayak
Starting any kind of business is tough. It takes a lot of time,
dedication and resources to make it work. B
The world is a homogenous mixture of cultural diversity. Apart from
the traditions and customs the
Business invariably means a total blend of guts, forethought, market
needs and business ethics. The
When Mr. Richard Flud had broke the story about Lehman Brothers
bankruptcy to world last year in New York,
SEO is the most discussed topic in today’s web business, every site
owner is aware of SEO and doing their
I hope this is the beginning of a great, long term
relationship where I become the source of l
Individual-centered career
planning focuses on individuals’ careers rather than organizational