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As the world watched the launch of Tata Motors' Nano in Mumbai, an agitated Trinamool Congress chi ...more>>
Tata Nano is being commercially launched. Another milestone in the eventful path of the 'Rs 1 lakh - People ...more>>
(This Case study can be rewritten to two groups as case study exercise for negotiation skills. Let me kno ...more>>
Last Week's Inflation figures has created a turmoil in the minds of economists to explore ways and means to ...more>>
Luxury car makerMercedes-Benz India will enter the used car business by the year-end, a topofficial said he ...more>>
Buying the Right Business Can be the Most Rewarding Decision You Will Ever Make For individuals seeking to ...more>>
Executive summary Master networkers are individuals who realise that networking is a life skill, not just ...more>>
28th June, 2008 saw the end of an era in Business, Technology and Greatness. Founder of Microsoft, William ...more>>
1. VisionAll successful people have vision. They have the ability the “see” clearly what they want befo ...more>>
The meaning of a message is the change which it produces in the image. - Kenneth Boulding in The Image: K ...more>>
21 Rules of Life 1. Marry the right person . This one decision will determine 90% of your happiness or m ...more>>
People across the world have started to call recent financial crisis as once in life time event. Let’s sp ...more>>
It is hard to find any professional that is not familiar with the stock market. This is the market of profi ...more>>
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