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After at least two decades as India’s dominant three-wheeler maker, Bajaj Auto Ltd, already struggling wi ...more>>
Until Somaliland gets official international recognition it cannot exploit its rich reserves of natural res ...more>>
Aghreni Technologies, leader in interactive email and mobile marketing recently published the numbers to th ...more>>
It is likely that the year 2008 will be remembered as one most friendly to home buyers with good credit and ...more>>
The system provides information on the past, present and project future and on relevant events inside and o ...more>>
Someone felt that Ratan Tata could be India’s Barack Obama. That comparison was wrong on two accounts. On ...more>>
Unclogging the PipelinePipeline slowed to a trickle? Opportunities backing up, lead-to-close time seem like ...more>>
While Developers & Units Will Now Have To Claim Refund after Paying Tax, They Are Demanding Ab-Initio E ...more>>
TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT (TQM): The dynamic environment of rapid change, global c ...more>>
The pastor entered his donkey in a race and it won. The pastor was so Pleased with the donkey that he enter ...more>>
THE BENEFITS OF DIRECT MARKETING: Direct marketing is the use ...more>>
Mukesh, Anil on world's top-100 power list Ambani brothers are ranked at the 67th place in the list of 1 ...more>>
These are very common points that is told to the sales person in the trainning process which could help to ...more>>
Passive voice and sentence structure that diffuses responsibility just infuriate me. I’m sure we’ve all ...more>>
I want to be an astro-physicist” — those words reverberate with focus, aspiration and ambition. Fantast ...more>>
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