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With the much awaited world's cheapest car 'Tata Nano' car launched, dealers of used cars forecast ...more>>
While, in these difficult times of economic slowdown, large retailers have resorted to cutting down on cos ...more>>
The economy might be bad and thef orecast gloomy, but if you need a house to live in, this is as good a tim ...more>>
The full blown effect of the global slow down has not been felt by us as yet. There have been wage frezeese ...more>>
Many webmasters and Internet users are getting rather sick of the amount of marketing material hitt ...more>>
Even though this post is specific to Bangalore, the general principles should apply everywhere. I have not ...more>>
One of the greatest expectations with regard to any new invention or technology is the belief that the w ...more>>
Karytron Electric Ind. is a principal producer of the existing and clever products in accordance with the t ...more>>
While the prices are falling, the property in metros is still expensive. The good news is that small town ...more>>
Along with the M800, MSI will also be phasing out its second oldestmodel, the utility van Omni. In the init ...more>>
Of all terms in the management lexicon, I find the term 'Customer Loyalty' the most oxymoronish.Let us f ...more>>
Maruti Suzuki India said it will bring the curtains down on its once bread-and-butter  Maruti 800 startin ...more>>
Maruti 800 - the small car that revolutionized personal transport in modern India - will take a bow startin ...more>>
Recession has done at least one good thing for organizations. Shifting the FOCUS from Gut-feelings to qual ...more>>
Banks that own ATMs charge an inter-change fee for providing the facility tothe customers of other banks. T ...more>>
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