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Top Ten Skin Facts When the skin becomes dry it needs water, not oil, to help rejuvenate it.Anyone can ...more>>
Mobiles have become a very important part of our very existence these days. Some time back (about a year ...more>>
The palatial residence, on a street dubbed Billionaires’ Row, is believed to have been bought by Britain ...more>>
We all know the classification Heavily Indebted Poor Country. The International Monetary Fund does this. Th ...more>>
By 2010-2011, India hopes to gatecrash into a very exclusive club of countries, which have both ICBMs (in ...more>>
Hitting back at Anbumani Ramadoss for his repeated comments over smoking on the silver screen, Bollywood s ...more>>
After seven years of hectic activity, the Bangalore real-estate market is hesitant, perhaps more on the pa ...more>>
Why should a professional wear heavy overcoats and full sleeve shirts with silk trousers? Actually these ...more>>
Before today’s consumers invest in a product or brand, they tap into an environment of influence that i ...more>>
A well-known speaker started off his seminar by holding up a Rupee 500 note and asked, "Who would like this ...more>>
What’s a bit in ‘64-bit’ processor? Bit: (short for binary digit) refers to the smallest unit of ...more>>
Well, George Bush and Condy Rice apparently think that the world is facing a food shortage because the Indi ...more>>
Services, particularly of the software/IT kind, thrives on innovation in its basic format and fabric. Fifte ...more>>
Kolkata’s realty market is growing. The real estate market of Kolkata is comparable to tier-II cities li ...more>>
There was a one hour interview on CNBC recently with Warren Buffet, the second richest man who has donated ...more>>
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