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Corporate and Business owners spend millions of dollars on office improvements. Far too often, the ...more>>
There are many mobile applications available now days, most of them are free. Some vendors give sharewares ...more>>
Scientists batting for Indian Nano Farming India is an agricultural economy. So it is natural for farm sc ...more>>
In the recent years, India has been observing a sweeping shift in consumption of non-alcoholic drinks, li ...more>>
The subconscious mind contains everything in your mind that you are not aware of. Some of these things are ...more>>
Hi allI must admit that after 3 long years of the struggle and investment of time, money and efforts, the n ...more>>
“You’re doing it, you’re doing it! Well done son, you can ride your two-wheel bike. Woo hoo!”, I ca ...more>>
Business confidence is bouncing back after the sharpest drop in economic activity since World War II, prom ...more>>
1. Getting a better job with a higher salary might be the first reason for leaving the current job. 2. Att ...more>>
An open letter to RBI/ Finance Minister/ banking Division Government of India Are you really worried about ...more>>
This was a recent opinion piece by one of our IT Clients. It doesn't come as a surprise to discover they ar ...more>>
Report A report can be defined as a communication in which the writer gives information to some indivi ...more>>
Selling Corporate Trainings – I It is interesting to observe the interaction betw ...more>>
The news of imposition of fresh taxes on perks of officers and executives hav ...more>>
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