Miscellaneous blogs
Abhijit Kar
I know a mother,
a strong personality - both as a parent and also as a social worker -
who gave up a poli
New movie Avatar shines light on Hindu word
In James Cameron's new film, Avatar, the Tit
As a computer user, at home and at work, you have probably come across
terms like virus, spam, Trojan horse
40 Things You May Not Know 1. Money
isn't made out of paper; it's made ou
~Read it fully! It worth a lot! ~
I was born in a secluded village on a mountain. Day by day, my
Shobhaa De
It’s really strange how strongly people react these days to a
person who happens to live in South Mumbai
A quiet prayer, a quiet day..
And a day when I can but only thank the hundreds that send me
remembrances f
Niraj Sharan
My head’s been churning these numbers past few days: 40% is what
Indian produce of fruit, vegetables and
Simple talks with people around may turn out to be a big gain in our
lives. At least, some among us might a
General analysis for zodiac Sun sign
Aries (March 21 - April 19): Assertive, impulsive, humanitarian.
A vehicle that is maintained well will perform even better. Here are
tips on how you can ensu
It was about this time when the call came from the Hospital .. a
choked voice of the nurse looking aft
Fight it out ! When oppression challenges fact and truth is valued
lesser than the word of the outsider. T
I must refrain from confessing my condition. I must refrain from
sharing my inner feelings. I must remain
I just returned
from watching James Cameron’s brilliantly made AVATAR. The Na'vi and