Miscellaneous blogs
Vikas Pareek
On walking into the factory, the Managing Director of the
companynoticed a young guy leaning against the
Doctor Certifiedi Certified that Mr. /Miss ____________ ____ _ ,
working in your organization, is suffering
A grandfather and granddaughter were sitting and talking when the
young girl asked, "Did God make you, Gran
Who does not know Kishore Kumar? I guess everyone does. He is like a
god to many. He is worshipped and held
Amit Agarwal
Forgiveness is a gift - like receiving a beautiful bouquet of
flowers.*It releases you from your own claust
Remember the placebo effect - 30% of medicine is showbiz.
It is the greatest day of your life. Say what,
In 1883, a creative engineer named John Roebling was inspired by an
idea to build a spectacular bridge conn
Once upon a time a daughter complained to her father that her life was
miserable and that she didn't know h
"One Rose can make my garden and one friend my world"
Someone said it so truely.First of all belated wis
I wants to share some old memories of my life. Friends, I born in
middle lower class family. I remember tho
SuccessA few days back i met a young man working with the
BMC as an Asst. Engineer, from a very poor backg
Age is a very high price to pay for
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
She is studied in collage. Our love life is only covers few month. She
is immature in nature that’s the r
Shobhaa De
is a picture I clicked of a Romanian Gypsy child. I found it heart
breaking... look into those sad e