The title will be somewhat confusing for you! I know that!. But at the end you will be landed in a mind, clear about the title . Clear!!!
There are two kinds of people, one who believes GOD(thesits) and one who doesn’t!(athesits). But I ‘m damn sure that no one can be 100% sure on their thoughts.
Some controversies araise in ur mind right!. I know!!!! Let me be clear about that. First take the one who believes GOD. If something happens that he is not in need i.e he/she doesn’t expect to be worst in his life, then he/she may, na! will be a athesits for a while cursing the one he/she believes. This is true! There will be no contraversies regarding this. Secondly take the athesits. If something happens spiritual he/she might think it regarding science but if it doesn’t work then he/she may doubt in presence of the one he /she doesn’t believes. Now clear? Still if won’t agree with me then i(GOD) can’t do anything for you(GOD).
A flesh with a life can be in any of the three stages as mentioned below,
1. GOD- living for ourselves without any desire.
2. PEOPLE- as all we are doing now.
3. ANIMAL- living for others with desires filled in mind!
The term GOD refers to the Great Occasion for a peaceful Destiny. Its a progress of a normal man to find something special in him that doesn’t needs a desire filled, but a clear knowledge about the life with a peacefull mind. Not many of the GODs in todays world is stepping in this occasion except few VIPs. Those VIPs will be forever in the world’s history also their physcial presence is absent. This is the condition of todays world. But a few thousand years ago, all people were in this progress to find GOD in them. Most of them reached their destiny in that progress and some couldn. They know that after some hundred years the world will be full of people rather GODs. They know that the people will fall for fake enjoyments that will last long for their life time but not in their absence. So they did create some beliefs to make the people live under some constraints. One of those main creations was the SPIRITUAL belief.
They made some strong guidelines for us to live atleast as people rather trying to find VIPs in us. These constraints are like guide that leave us in a path to find people in us.
If we worship our soul then there is no work for the word Spiritual. But in this world the people with the above mentioned quality is like a droplet missed in an ocean or in other words, they live once in blue moon. People should have belief in them rather to a stone worshiped. They should have their constraints to live on. Desires must be cleared from ones mind to step in GOD. I wont say that all can find special VIPs in them, but all must try to live on their own feet rather in somebody’s shoes.
A little knowledge about the GOD along with a confident mind is enough for a try. To become a normal man is easy as all we does when we first step into this world without struggle. But to become a VIP more than the normal does, needs a perfect struggle and a non-loosing hope.
Atlast i wish to say some words for those who doesnt stand on their own legs.
” All GODs in this world are not trying to find VIPs in them. You are one among them!!!”
” I wont say that there is no a GOD, but it will be better if he is!!!!”
If you are in doubt in presence of the one you believe after reading this post, then you are in the first step in GOD(Great Occasion for a peaceful Destiny)……ALL THE BEST!!!!!!!