In the beginning there was just a thought....
The rich tapestry of life presents zillions of thoughts that take shape as we go through our lives everyday - while doing something, meeting someone, reading a book, probably even as we sleep!
Some of these are strong and persist while others are transitory and melt away almost immediately. Thoughts that take root and are nurtured, eventually have the potential to drive powerful changes in our outside world.
My daily encounters with life that put me in front of people(happy & sad, struggling & contended, winners & losers) and situations, also leave trails of thoughts - some queer, some insightful. How about capturing some of these interesting threads of thoughts? Thoughts that may enrich, enlighten, educate and elevate our perspective of the world around us. It is with this in mind that I decided to pen down my learnings, experiences and musings from everyday life and share this with you all. I welcome your share of thoughts to refine, clarify and add to the learning as we go forward.
As Gautam Buddha once said -
“We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.”
My Best,