Does Drinking Hot Water Throughout The Day Really Help?
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Does drinking hot water throughout the day really help?

Executive director of lifecentury &...
 We all know that staying hydrated is essential for the body.There is nothing which can replace water though to stay hydrated,specially warm or hot water- it helps you to loose weight and aid in digestion. These days we have so much of information around us or on the internet that sometime it really gets confusing.We get so many queries everyday that One should drink hot water or not. Is it a myth or it really works? Well, drinking hot water regularly is a simple Ayurvedic recommendation. Boiling the water for ten minutes with 1 tsp jeera(cumin) stimulates Agni directly, allowing food to be processed and absorbed more efficiently during the meal. Taken between meals, it can provide effective support in flushing out water-soluble toxins from the dhatus (body tissues). Though one can take just normal warm water as well ,you don't have to necessarily add jeera or cumin to it. simply replace your glass of cold water with warm or hot water while having meal and see how it works for you. Lets look deep into this,how it works If we look into the principle scientifically, it helps increase your body temperature, which in turn accelerates your metabolic rate. It also helps wash down all the food stuck to your food pipe, especially the fat. Drinking cold water after or between meals solidify the fat content of meals while hot water melts fat which mobilizes easily and aids in proper digestion of food. It not only mobilizes the fat but detoxify your body by cleansing out the toxins. It’s a great remedy in constipation and bloating. So now you have a clear picture of how it works. I hope i will able to help you with this piece of information. for any queries you can visit our website and post your question. DR DEEPIKA MALIK Ayurveda,Wellness and Weight loss consultant
