Music As A Healer
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editricon Music as a healer

Executive director of lifecentury &...

We all love music
This is a truth very few people can deny and music has the distinction of being globally appreciated . music is a language which is truly international , we can enjoy the beats of the drums which can be of any origin , we love the melody of the music and the rhythmic sounds of the piano
You do not need to be educated to enjoy music
Music can be used to bring about healingin different diseases .Music begins from the sound , sound is a wave , the wave is a vibration whichis easy to even feel like the thumping of the drums .
Beautiful music makes us feel good and the disharmonies music makes us feel
agitated , no wonder listening to a singer who is out of tune is the most irritating !
Sam Ved has described in detail the basics of music and the Upanishads have detailed the “ Om “ mantra and its usage
Om mantra is a very powerful sound and is a primordial sound on which many researchers are working to understand it better and its profound effects.
When we listen to a particular sound it affects us due to the frequency of its vibration, it is almost bathing in music as the music envelops our bodies and enters through the ear and affects our emotions internally
Music can affect emotions is well known and therefore music is being used for treatment of stress , anxiety , depression , and nervousness .
Many clinics use music therapy for treating autistic children and children with attention deficit disorder
Treatment can be active and passive . active treatment entails singing ,playing instruments and passive treatment involves listening to music
Mantras are also known to affect the seven chakras of the body .different chakras correspond or get influenced by different colors and different sounds . As we chant or meditate on a particular mantra , the repetitive sound tunes in to the particular frequency of the chakra leading to the correction of the chakra energy , which ultimate cleanses the energy channels and heals the person
In our daily life it is worthwhile to bring in music as a healer
We can begin the morning with the sound of “ Om “ chanting , In our cars we can play a soothing track of our choice and when we return home we can unwind with the symphonies of our choice .Beethoven , Bachs music is available for the inclined , so is the music available for background like the sounds of the waves , raindrops and the Indian classical music is a treasure house of soothing tones.
For the chronically anxious it is very important to bring in music therapy , rag chikitsa or sound therapy in their lives as it is the easiest and the most pleasant therapy mode.

