Media today
Todays world feels that media is a medium which is taking everyone for a ride. Which is grossly wrong when seen from a positive perspective.
People have been buying goods and services despite these wrong perceptions as media is the only medium to stand up and say what one has to offer.
Media an overview
It can be classified into
Print Electronic Radio Outdoor POP
Print Media
This is perceived as a medium which has no death and time has proved it right. We do not siege to read a newspaper early in the morning with that hot cup of tea or coffee more so because it has become an addiction, we do not bother about the things which are going on around us with our hectic and busy schedule and this could be one of the catalyst which has made us an ardent addict to reading a newspaper early in the morning.
Now when we think about these addicts who are trying to live there lives in this fast track world print media is the only medium which brings about his attention to the message which the advertiser would like to pass on. This seems to be the only medium where the reader spends lot of time with interest. The advertiser has to understand here that the message he passes on cannot be quantified in terms of response he gets.
Electronic Media
This is perceived as a medium where the whole family spends their time. Here the person who is watching the television is so confused with the emergence of various channels that when there is a message of a advertiser coming up he starts browsing to other channels.
People watch television so that the stress they have gone through since the morning gets relieved when he watches some soaps. Here we are talking about the people who are employed or into buss.
Electronic media has its own advantages as it can reach out to the no. of viewers at one go at a single point of time. The advertisers who want their brand building to happen opt for this media as the opportunity to see is more, as the no of eye balls during peak hours is exhaustive. The message is visually sent and the jingles which are played are generally hummed by each one of us as the tunes are very catchy or the concept which is presented to us is very unique. For example the fevicol advt. it makes you remember as it is humorous. The media planners who conceptualize such themes do come up with ideas that you would remember in the days to come and are often unique in itself thereby making you remember it or talk to people around you about it. Now this means that the advertiser has achieved his target. Today the advertiser wants everything to happen at minimum coat or no cost as he relates to his sale and keeps forgetting about the millions of people who talk about the brand name. Here we would like the advertiser to understand that the impact of the advertisement cannot be quantified as he is generally under the impression that his sales would go up this is general misconception of the retailers.
This is emerging as one of the strongest medium when you want your target audience to recall your brand. The jingles which are played are very catchy and make you relax while on the way to your workplace or when you are on the move. This is also one of the mediums which is going on the same track as electronic media we say this because of the emergence of various new fm stations which come up every second day. Unlike the print media you do not find brand loyalty as the listener keeps changing the stations.
This is one of the static mediums which gives the advertiser those no of eye balls as they pass by. This also is perceived as a second rung medium for the advertisers as it gives the targeted customer a recall value. This medium is always there to advertiser who look at brand building in long term process or to those advertiser who look for short term gains from this medium( for example the sale advertisements or event advertisements). The electronic billboards or the 3D billboard have been perceived as the latest finds.
POP (point of purchase) advertisements generally are to lure you into buying a particular brand or a model of the manufacturer. This is another strong medium which is there since ages to grab the attention of the prospective buyer.
Emerging mediums like internet, mobile messages have there share too but are not taken very seriously by the end customers or the targeted audiences. Probably in the years to come they might emerge as the hot mediums which cannot be ignored but will not become the primary medium or a substitute to the above discussed media.
The article is just a opinion and is not based on any findings or facts. It denotes the common mans perception towards the media.