Food Reducing Weight + Movement Right Away Your Excess Body Fat
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Food reducing weight + movement right away your excess body fat

Oil scraper to fat is the first task of weight loss, diet strengthen sport is the most effective way to lose weight, so, how to control diet strengthen exercise? 12 kinds of food reducing weight, help you scraping oil reduced fat, reasonable arrangement good time, can thin come down.Diet: 12 kinds of food to your excess oil1, oats: has the role of cholesterol and blood fat.

Owing to contain rich dietary fiber in oats, the soluble oat fiber, can't find in other grains. Because of the fiber is easy to be absorbed by human body, and because of low heat content, is helpful for weight loss, and is suitable for heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes need to diet.2, corn, rich in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, selenium, and vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, E and beta carotene, etc., also rich in fiber. Often feed corn oil, can reduce cholesterol and softening blood vessels. Corn of cholecystitis, gall-stone, icteric model hepatitis, and diabetes, etc., have auxiliary therapy effect.3, the onion garlic, onion ring containing alliin and sulfur compounds such as amino acid, help to dissolve thrombus. Almost no fat, onion can inhibit cholesterol caused by high fat diet, help to improve the atherosclerosis. Onion, onion extract can treat cardiovascular hardening. Garlic can lower the content of serum total cholesterol and three oleic acid glyceride. Secondary metabolites of allicin - methyl propylene three sulfur, have prevent condensate plug mass A2 synthesis effect, it can prevent blood clots. Garlic to treat obesity, too.4, yam: its mucous protein, fat deposition can prevent cardiovascular system, keep the vessel elasticity, prevent hardening of the arteries, reduce subcutaneous fat deposition, avoid obesity. The dopamine in yam, has the function of dilate blood vessels, improve blood circulation. In addition, yam can improve human body digestive function, enhance physical fitness. During the Chinese New Year holiday when we have indigestion, can use yam, lotus seed, Gordon euryale seed were boiled with a little sugar added.5, seaweed, known as the "sea vegetables" reputation. Algae for its low calorie, low fat, some algae have fall hematic fat action. Kelp, such as brown algae, contains rich gel fiber, can significantly reduce serum cholesterol. Kelp contains many unique active substances, step-down, lipid-lowering, hypoglycemic, anti-cancer effect.6, white fungus, tremella has obvious lipid-lowering and antithrombotic effects.

7, potatoes: there is a strong lower cholesterol in the blood, maintain blood acid-base balance, anti-aging and anti-cancer anti-cancer effect. Such potatoes are rich in dietary fiber and colloid volume sexual material, defecate is a "man" in the gut.8, celery, contained more dietary fiber, especially for blood pressure ingredients, also have fall hematic fat, fall blood sugar.9, red dates, feed more can enhance the body's antioxidant power and immunity. Red jujube to lower blood cholesterol and three oleic acid glyceride is also very effective.10, hawthorn, strengthen and regulation of cardiac muscle, increase ventricular and atrial motion amplitude and coronary blood flow, can lower cholesterol and promote fat metabolism.11, chrysanthemum: have the function of reducing blood fat, has a smooth function. In the green tea mixed with a little Daisy, good for cardiovascular health.

12, apple: the role of the pectin to reduce the cholesterol in the blood. Apple is rich in potassium, can expel excess sodium salt, such as eat three apples a day, to maintain blood pressure, blood lipid were good.Second, the movement: strengthen the sport fat burning faster1. Exercise can reduce the secretion of insulin, which is a kind of can store fat hormone, insulin secretion is reduced, the storage of fat also decreases.Sports can effectively restrain the secretion of insulin, prompted by "storage" fat as fuel is burned off. When blood sugar levels in the body, the secretion of insulin was increased, the sugar from the blood "move", to the liver liver glycogen synthesis. Once the amount of glycogen in the muscles and liver saturated state, excess of liver glycogen is converted into fat, in the form of three acyl glycerine stored in body fat layer. If you don't exercise, liver glycogen, has been in a saturated state, there will be more and more was transformed into fat liver glycogen storage. Long-term intake of a polysaccharide can lead to high insulin levels, and insulin levels high,

you will not be able to burn fat. You will be very hungry, your liver will produce more cholesterol, you three acyl glycerin amount will be higher. You will not only become more and more fat, also by asthma, arthritis, psoriasis, migraine disease threat. So, if you want to lose weight, want to be healthy, can control the secretion of insulin. Exercise, the more the more blood sugar, the more fat burning, the less the amount of insulin secretion. Insulin to control more tightly, the less they stored fat.2. Sports can increase the consumption of fat hormone secretion, and fat consumption growth hormone is the hormone adrenaline. When motion, the two hormones in the blood content will increase, will put the "storage" fat as fuel to burn.Adrenaline is mainly secreted by the adrenal medulla, can also be released from adrenergic nerve fibers, nerve impulse conduction is the neurotransmitter, can make all the parts of the body, accelerate metabolism, thus burn body fat. Growth hormone is secreted by the adenohypophysis a peptide hormone, can promote the growth of body,

and by stimulating can release growth glutarcuane.the purpose, can affect the metabolism of protein, carbohydrate and fat. The characteristics of growth hormone can be combined with a receptor in human cells, and then work. And the fat cells have the growth hormone receptor. Growth hormone, once combined with receptors in fat cells, will promote the decomposition of fat cells three acyl glycerin, and inhibit the absorption of fat cells and circulating lipid accumulation. Growth hormone to keep blood sugar levels in the body in the normal range. It inhibits the function of insulin, growth hormone, it is said, to promote the absorption of glucose from the edge of the organization, strengthen the liver blood sugar synthesis process. By accelerating the acyl glycerin decomposition and oxidation, growth hormone, greatly accelerate the fat burning.3. The movement can accelerate metabolism. Every time I open you switch, metabolism will be accelerated. Open, the more frequently the faster speed of your metabolism, and your fat was burning, the more you the more gentle and graceful figure.
