Simple 4 Steps Allow You To Easily Have Good Figure
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Simple 4 steps allow you to easily have good figure

Has a good figure is the wish of every female friends, but many MM has been very hard to do every day, but the reality is so cruel, the flesh is still unabated, is very distressed. Why is this?

Must be the right way. Followed sought treatment below small make up together to try the following four steps, will let you have the ideal shape.Nutrition is your heartArmed with knowledge of nutrition mind, eat a healthy scientific diet concept. In other words, is not only to eat with the mouth, with "heart" to eat. In particular, is to do two clear: clear the illness most of modern civilization diseases related to eat, so prevention to control from the source. Clearly obesity can be reduced, with dietary conditioning method to reduce weight not pain, simple, economical and practical. As long as perseverance, according to the plan, there will be a success.Slim your bodyDieters to waistline,

6, and hip circumference gradually cut down, meet appropriate standards. In particular, to do "three know" : know normal body weight, waist circumference, 6, and hip circumference standards; Know the dangers of obesity on the human body and life; Know the scientific methods and steps of reducing weight. Is for people to determine whether or not they overweight has four medical methods: method of standard weight, body mass index method, body fat rate and waist hip ratio method. Only need to use professional meter measuring body fat rate, the other three methods all can be measured by dieters.Standard weight height (m) = 2 x 22 kg. In the 10% above or below this value of, can be regarded as normal body weight. More than 10%, but no more than 20% were overweight; More than 20% were obese.Body mass index (BMI) = weight (kg) present height (m) 2, namely the weight number divided by the square of height. Calculated values in 18.5 ~ 23.9 as normal, in 24 to 27.9 is overweight, more than 28 for obesity = waist circumference (cm), waist hip ratio present hip circumference (cm), waist measurement number divided by the hip circumference. The values obtained, the male is less than or equal to 0.85, the female is less than or equal to 0.80, belong to the scope of appropriate weight, more than this value is overweight or obese.Hold your tongueNot hungry, not to eat, but scientifically according to the dietary guidelines for Chinese people to eat. Can be summarized as the following three points: one is the balance, refers to the meat and vegetable, acid and alkali, the main and vice, coarse and fine collocation to eat; Two is varied, the kind of food every day to eat the best in more than 25; 3 it is right amount, according to their height, weight, occupation and activity level, flexible adjustment of the daily intake of food variety and quantity.Holding your legsPay attention to exercise on a daily basis, to achieve heat in and out of balance. Specifically, to do, one of the "three" : "3" is to calculate their daily calorie consumption value, total daily activity in different stages of the actual energy consumption value and weight loss of daily calorie consumption value. "A" is to choose the suitable for individual condition, can stick to, can implement way of movement.
