Reading, Observing And Absorbing
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Reading, observing and absorbing

The meat that is eaten 

By dogs and humans may be the same.

But dog makes it to be a dog

And human makes it to be a human.


Reading, observing and absorbing
Can be made in, at least, two ways.

Closing the doors,
From the room of their defined faith and brand,
To strengthen their confinement.

Opening the doors,
Without being confined and defined
In any room of any faith and brand,
Strengthening and widening their openness.


For sure, 
Reading from the closed room
Will help them to change and absorb
All the justification and logic they may avail
From their readings and observations
To the cements and pastes to fill the gaps
Of the windows, doors and walls 
To strengthen their windows, doors and walls
Of the same faith or band, that is already closed.

Thereby the faith or brand,
More securely cemented and strengthened,
And all the people of such faith and brand,
With more of strengthened security feel,
Will find them more justified and strengthened.

Even when their God is in open, 
(More insecure and unjustified the way they may think)
As mere and sheer openness.


Reading open in openness,
Of no defined faith or brand 
Will help one to be availing
More and more of
Newer and new revelation
Every now and then.

As they are in the flow,
In great motion and flex,
With nothing old and stinking with them,
As they will made to be
Part of the flow, 
Or the flow itself.

Just like in an open garden
They will be.
Intoxicated by the good smell and taste

Surrounded by only new and new
Flowers, fruits and leaves,
Breathing, drinking and eating only the fresh.

Every time as new, in novelty,
They will be,
With no burden and stinking 


The meat that is eaten 
By dogs and humans may be the same.

But dog makes it to be a dog

And human makes it to be a human
