Get Distance Between Two Locations Online – The Postcode Distance Calculator
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Get distance between two locations online – The Postcode Distance Calculator

Distance calculator
Start using Postcodes for calculating distance between two locations in your country. It is a simple online postcode calculation method. You can also use it and embed it into your website.

The online postcode distance calculation applications developed on many websites allows you to calculate distance between two locations. It helps you to find approximate distance using the postcodes of desired locations.

Distance calculator
These applications provides you a space to manually enter the postcodes of two locations and on pressing the calculate button provides the distance between entered locations as an output.It provides you the distance in both: kilometres (km) and in miles (mi). The distance calculated can also be viewed as the distance calculated as a bird flies and the distance that is calculated by travelling on road.

Most of these websites provide free, quick and simple post code to post distance calculation online for which you only need an internet connection to get an access. Such websites are launched in many countries and are ready to use whereas research work is going on for other countries and will be available soon for all over the world.

Distance calculator
All such websites are pretty neat, fast and helpful, but are not responsible for the approximation. Most of them display the possible accurate distance so it’s not a matter to worry about. Moreover, many developers have also started developing API’s for postcode distance calculation that are mobile and can be executed in mobile devices. Most of these API’s are compatible for every kind of mobile phones, only the version or source varies depending on the operating system.

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