My Thoughts On Recession
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My Thoughts on Recession

Recession, Down turn, Slow down these are the common words the world yells out. There are people who are looking to invest in the real estate and there are people who have lost their investment through financial trading. Two ends are looking the current situation from different perspective.

As far as me the world is shrinking. The governments are acting fast my providing stimulants to their economy in the way of financial terms and still they are not comfortable with it. Now in this situation the corporate are more defensive and their strategic view is blunter towards survival and they seem to be proactive. Well I believe their way of streamlining of their strategy is not so good and they are looking to safe guard their existing business.. This clearing mapping of the current economic situation must have been long time ago. From this current so called crisis should make corporate to learn a lesson that over dependence will make them pay the price severely.

Most of the people who wants to escape from the current situation are enrolling them into higher education, my peers says "These people are escaping from the situation".. What is your opinion about this???

I have witnessed lot of change in INDIAN government that political stands are shifting and most politicians are working truly like a representative of the people and files are moving pretty fast for sanctions and finally I feel they are awake are they are committed to the current economic crisis...

Well I have voiced out my opinion on the current state of affairs and do let me know what u think of it
