Use of Pesticides & Fertilizers on Crops

What have you taken in morning- Tea, Bread- butter, Cornflakes? Every day we eat something which comes from crops. This blog is based on the information which we ignore sometimes –use of pesticides.
In earlier days when the fertilizers were not produced, farmers used dung and other natural products for better crop, but after the emergence of chemicals, farmers being depend on fertilizer to grow crops & pesticides to protect from insects & weeds. Do you know these chemicals not only affect the crops, but human body also? Because the chemicals being absorbed by the crops. Sometime these chemicals do not remove by washing the seeds or even by cooking.
The excess use of fertilizers & Pesticides is not only effecting the human being but it also the barren our land also. I think the natural essence of greenness is dying. We want to grow more & more fro the land but forgot that excess of every thing is bad.
This is not a mistake of single community- farmers, because they are using chemicals to protect the crops & want to generate more revenue. I think government can apply a rule to protect the land, limited use or factory chemicals & more use of natural pattern to grow more & more.
Otherwise in future we will have no land left to grow crops. and then only one option will left ……