Homosexuality Amongst Women
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Homosexuality amongst women

blog writing
See interview of Ashok  Kothare

Generally, all condemn homosexuality as a bad practice. Even though, this continues to exist in people of certain type. A psychological study of this mentality shows that this mindset has something to do with the natural desire for an intercourse between opposite sex. Some people are naturally averse to opposite sex intimacy. For many reasons this happens. In this article, I want to say only about homosexuality due to sexual urge of woman.  

Many women have a type of fear for man and his coming closer to them. They want to avoid that and that gives them a feeling of safety. Any proximity with a man makes them uncomfortable and due to this attitude, any thought of mating with a man makes them uneasy. This fear for man keeps them away from man and as a result, intercourse with a man becomes a nightmare for them. At the same time, natural urge for sexual satisfaction continues with them. This awkward situation makes personal life of these women rather unhappy. Woman of this type stays in a state of mind, such that, they cannot take any proper decision. When two such women happen to share their fears for man and his physical contact, naturally a desire to satisfy the sexual urge by their own interaction develops in them. This leads to their homosexual relations. There are other reasons given by medical science but they are only secondary in developing the desire for homosexual relationship. A woman can enjoy relationships, homo as well as hetero. Both are equally healthy and natural for her. 

Two types of homosexual relations observed amongst these women. In one type, we see that two women pair in the form that one of them behaves as if she is man and the other as wife and they try to be together in this fashion. In this relation, the man partner dominates on the wife partner as in life we see man dominating on wife. In second type both women enjoy as equal partners, in this relationship, no one dominates the other for any cause but they continue as equal partners. We also observe some relationships where more than one pair works together as friends to satisfy the sexual urge. We may call it the third type of homosexual relationship. 

Psychologists are of the opinion that the first type is not good and so women should avoid that type of relationship. About the second type the homosexual relationship is rated as healthy and so women should allow that relationship if they want to indulge in homosexuality. About the third type a mixed opinion, we see amongst the psychologists. That means, that could be good or not so good depends upon whether such relationship has first type involved in that. Because a relationship where equality does not exist; the other collaborator always suffers making that relation unhealthy. The third type, some experts rate as debauchery and some even rate that as immoral. Single pairing recommended for general requirement of a normal women. Some recommend that for woman homosexuality is natural and so for them homosexuality one may recommend as a refuge in difficult times. This is because sexual urge of a woman is something we cannot refuse the way we can refuse it for man. Sex is necessary for a woman as a natural need while for man it is not so much of a natural need. That is the reason in all religions men asked to become hermits, Sanyasi, fakirs and clergyman but woman expected to make a family life.  

The question is which two women can pair to make a healthy homosexual relation. The best pairs recommended are mother/daughter, mother-in-law/ daughter-in-law, sisters, very close friends, very close cousins, sisters-in-laws, and such reliable relations. Second point is which two women should not pair. Strangers, not related women, office friends, servant and master, employees, these couples, women should avoid because they can become problematic in future. In the recommended pair, there is danger of forming first type of relationship. If that happens, again, that relation can be a nightmare for the other partner. A sense of maturity in the senior collaborator, to allow equal status to both is essential to make that relation happy and if that achieved, both women can enjoy homosexuality without any encumbrance.

Third point for consideration is about what women need homosexual relief most and they are widows, divorcees, spinsters, invalid due to some physical inabilities, Aids patients. However, normal woman may also enjoy that relationship for a change without any defects.     

As for homosexuality in men, I found after much research that it is altogether bad and unnatural and so men must avoid that. I will be writing on that in future and if you are interested please keep with this blog, bookmark it. 


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