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See interview of Ashok  Kothare

   I want to congratulate Arvind Kejriwal for accepting the responsibility of forming a government for Delhi State. They all show concern for the possibility of fall of this government. We all know that Congress will try to demoralize AAP government by using their usual tantrums. If they do it obviously, this government which is already a minority government shall fall. Why bother for that? In case Congress or BJP play their tricks and make fall, this attempt of AAP, that will be very clear and people of Delhi will know why the government fail. If they really attempt to pull down this minority government it will not defame AAP but shall show the criminal mentality of these two parties and shall defame them. Looking to this position, I feel Arvind took a good decision of forming the government.

Whether this government stays or falls is not important today; that a government is formed is important. Congress party is talking in a tone of challenging AAP to do what promises they have given in their manifesto. However, that is not important if AAP can really deliver the promise as given by them. What we look forward to is, to get this party to the roots of all those corrupt practices and find out about them. Opening those files and find out details of those clandestine deals which caused high rise in electricity, water and other problems. To collect all data required to nab all concerned persons so that a legal action can be taken to punish them and recover the money they looted out of government treasury. No sensible person can expect that all promises given by this newly formed party of novices, they can deliver in a small period of just six months. However, this six months period is good enough for the investigation of those files. That will prove about how Congress party was siphoning away tax payers money. My study of Congress party’s modus operandi tells me that Congress party has two flanks, one is the political party and second is the pro Congress bureaucratic arrangement. Today political flank is out of operation but bureaucratic flank is very well positioned to put spokes in smooth working of any other party’s government. AAP has to neutralize this flank. When first time BJP government came they had to face stiff non co-operative behavior of those bureaucrats. Now we have mix structure of bureaucrats, some are pro BJP and others pro Congress. Presently, AAP does not have their sympathizers in the Delhi administration. To avert this situation Kejriwal government will have to develop good rapport with the existing bureaucrats. Luckily Kejriwal had been a bureaucrat and that means he shall definitely have good relations with most of his cadre. That may come handy.

The team of AAP elected people is new to all governmental activities and that makes them vulnerable in the hands of pro Congress bureaucratic set up. Non co-operation under various excuses, by these pro Congress bureaucrats, we will find in this government. Therefore, we may see that this AAP government collapses even with seemingly good support from both Congress and BJP politicians! I mean Congress and BJP will use the bureaucratic instrument to unnerve AAP government. We as alert voters should take a note of all these tantrums usually put up by these politicians. And understand if it falls, why it fail.

These six months of government is not to deliver anything as they had promised but to learn government methods. While learning they may be able to deliver some promises if they get good support from the bureaucrats.

I saw on TV channel that Kajriwal held tutorials for the team that will man the government. I wish he had allowed media to attend that meeting and allow direct telecast of that meeting, by this his team could win further confidence of Delhi voters. His promise of total transparency need that.

I remember when Narayan Rane was promoted to the position of Chief Minister of Maharashtra State he felt nervous being a new fellow for that responsibility. On that Balasaheb Thackeray gave him some tips, by following those tips he became a successful CM. I would like to tell them here, may be that will help AAP team also.

First rule, to be friendly with your bureaucrats and try to understand them. By this policy you will win over all bureaucrats even if they are pro other party. After all they have their own agendas.

Second rule, be generous with judges of the Court. Do not over react with them. This behavior shall make them co-operative and friendly. With judges I remember Rane had gifted limousine cars (at the cost of tax payers money, of course) to judges and by that he made them co-operative.

Third rule, always keep cool even if stiff resistance comes from bureaucrats, and gradually make them do what you want. If you smell that a particular bureaucrat is pro C or pro BJP do not give him any hint that you have got him, try to transfer him to other department.

What not to do with bureaucrats is also important; do not insult them, do not make them wait on you for too long, be friendly but not to shake hand with them. Avoid discussing personal matters with them.

AAP team may not be able to implement all the rules, however if they implement; that will make them successful.

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