Is There Anyone You Hate?
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Is there anyone you hate?

Is there anyone you hate? If, None...You are lucky... If, are something for you to do... First, you have to understand that no one is perfect. Not even you. So try to accept the person as he/she is... Second, start thinking the good traits, merits and positive aspect of the person... It will give you idea that the person is not so bad to be hated... Third, try to do good things for the person, I agree it is very difficult, but give it a try...the person after receiving warmth of goodness from you might be good to you. Fourth, invite him/her on tea or something...Start telling him/her his/her good qualities...Give sincere and true praise with proofs... Finally, politely express your expectations from the person that if he/she improves on the certain things he/she will have a perfect personality... You will see the result...In few days you won't have reasons to hate that person...