Are You Aggressive Enough To Be A Good Leader ?
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Are You Aggressive Enough To Be A Good Leader ?

As usual another intense debate is happening on our linkedin forum "Leadership And Networking" & the topic is

-How to define "aggression" as a characteristic for successful Leader ? -

With 9 members already expressing their views on this interesting subject , i thought it would be appropriate on my part to share my thoughts with the readers ,who are yet to become a member of the forum.

Here it is :-

-"Enriching discussion with a pinch of aggression by most of the contributors, making the topic exciting and I believe anything exciting attract the human being most .

Somehow, I am not very sure about the relevance of the Dictionary meaning of aggression as a whole in Business environment, where this word may be interpreted in a slightly different way.

In my opinion aggression is manifested in two different forms -Materialistic/Physical and Spiritualistic/Mental.

In Business world ; be it Corporate Business or Political Business, the 2nd form of aggression is prominent ,meaning a drastic and unconventional policy formulation followed by penetrating action for achieving a difficult objective.

For example, Bank Nationalization decision by Late Indira Gandhi , ex-prime minister of India was an aggressive move for which she used her intellect and intelligence ,the 2nd form of aggression for convincing both her own party men as well as the opposition.

However, declaring war against Pakistan for helping Bangladesh achieve independence was an aggressive decision from both the angles, because here the objective had to be achieved through physical means .

So a strategic aggressive decision was followed by a tactical aggressive action for getting the desired result.

Similarly, if you remember the most talked about marketing revolution unleashed by Eureka Forbes, which redefined the term direct marketing in India , simply by the physical aggression in terms of persuasiveness demonstrated by the Sales Persons.

These were three different examples showing the prominence of both types of aggression on different platform and in different environment.

However in all three cases there were situation specific right mix of both types of aggression.

So, I believe that every decision needs a mix of both and the successful leaders know the right percentage matching the demand of a specific situation.

Hence, in my opinion, it is not the body but mind language that actually controls the strategic aggressive plan followed by situation specific tactical aggressive action, varying from gentle to ruthless in extreme case."-

Author : Abhijit Kar

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