Leaders Are Made, Not Born - A Myth Or Reality
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Leaders Are Made, Not Born - A Myth Or Reality

Recently I read the declaration by a prominent Leadership Coach that - "Leaders are made, not born."

It reminded me of an old friend with whom I stayed for a month, watching him closely - handling various issues - during his interactions and dealings with people from diverse back ground.

Most of them would be visiting him for solving their problems - both personal and professional.

Let me share with you the unique features of those discussions, I still remember:

1.He would first listen to them carefully, allowing them to finish without any interruption

2.Then he would start probing in depth, seeking clarifications in case of doubts.

3.Next step would be; offering a set of suggestions, asking them choose the one they feel appropriate

4.Then there would be a brief brainstorming on the suitability of the chosen solutions, where they had to explain - why and how they picked up those specific suggestions.

5.Session would end with a mutual agreement, regarding effectiveness of those selected - future course of actions.

6.Last but not the least; a routine follow up to monitor the developments, would invariably produce the desired outcome.

Being a scientist; his professional life was no way even within a 'long range' of general leadership requirements, and he had not gone through any formal training for honing leadership skills also.

He was effectively performing in the role of a good leader in personal life, and i am sure he would have performed equally well - had such demands arisen - in his professional life also, because the basic requirements of leadership - personal or professional life - are identical.

While researching on this topic, i came across an article written by Thomas Gordon highlighting the most desirable leadership skill-sets :

Effective leaders

  • listen openly to others
  • offer and accept constructive suggestions
  • give clear directions
  • set and meet deadlines
  • give formal and informal presentations
  • help members identify and solve problems
  • set an example of desired behavior
  • show appreciation of others' contributions
  • show understanding
  • encourage members to exchange ideas
  • handle conflict
  • guide the group in goal setting and decision making
  • delegate responsibilities
  • ask questions of the group to prompt responses
  • create a productive atmosphere

It is now clear to me that, in his case, most of those above mentioned skills were in-built - facilitating his success as a leader.

I do agree that some training would have sharpened those skills further, increasing the degree of effectiveness.

So,in my opinion; there has to be a good foundation for constructing a tall building above, and the statement that "leaders are made not born? may not be absolutely correct !

You may now assess yourself genuinely for developing some of the skills you already have in-built, and acquire the rest for creating a positive environment around you - success is assured.

Author : Abhijit Kar

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