10 Ways To Save Money In College
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10 Ways to Save Money in College

6203.1 College can be one of the most enjoyable parts of your life. Most campuses have a ton of activities that you can participate in with your friends. At the same time, you need to figure out a way to get through college without being broke.
For many college freshmen, you are on your own for the first time. Sure, you might get some assistance, but you are ultimately responsible for managing your life. For the first time in your life, you are solely responsible for your own finances. With that said, here are ten things you can do to save money in college.
The thing that you really need to realize is that saving money in college boils down to making money and not spending it. Don't make it more difficult than that. You will only add stress on yourself and you will actually have less freedom.
Avoid eating out
Take advantage of free entertainment
7303.1 Rent books, don't buy them
If you must buy a textbook, don't do it from the university
7003.1 Keep any and all dates simple
Learn which shops have student discounts
Live close to campus to save on transportation (location, location, location)
Skip spring break
Buy "store brands" instead of more advertised brands
Use "pay as you go" if you don't use your phone much

At the same time, you need to enjoy yourself. College only happens once in your life, and you will never get these years back. Spend a little bit of money from time to time, but make sure you do it responsibly, and be very strict about how much you're willing to spend.
