Concept Of Inner-Game As Applied To India Vis-à-Vis China
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Concept of Inner-game as Applied to India vis-à-vis China

 Long ago, it is learnt, that some tennis captain hit upon a concept of ‘Inner game’ being played out in the mind of the player before he actually faces the ground. He may be in a confident mood of winning or diffident mindset of losing. The argument is: if a player inwardly feels lost – due to self-doubt, fear etc -- it is likely he will turn out a loser. For winning a dominant positive frame of mind is essential. It is so simple and straight. He applied this theory for his team with great success. Later, it has been found applicable to any field of human endeavour. With self-doubt looming in the mind nobody can achieve anything, simply because he is not able to marshal mental resources conducive to success – notwithstanding external conditions remaining favourable. This, in short, what ‘inner game’ is about.

So far, it is applied to individual performer, a team or a corporate body and so on. Can it be extrapolated in the context of a country as a whole? After all, a country represents a vast group of people. Collective mindset is reflected by its leaders. There is valid reason to think it can be.

Take the case of India-China relation. China turned out to be a big bully. In economic development China is moving ahead. India is not able because of inherent shortcomings -- or whatever -- of democratic values. Advancement doesn’t presuppose one to be unduly assertive. But, China seems not to be governed by normal civilized norms. She is bent upon digging up the fossilized history and rake up border dispute from Siachin to Arunachal Pradesh. This border line was in force since many centuries. It could be left at that and  peacefully co-exist with neighbours.  However, Chinese interference is not restricted to border disputes alone: it extends to other internal matters of India.

One such problem is presence of Dalai Lama on Indian soil and the treatment to be meted out to him: China wants us to follow their dictates how to treat with him. And we have amply displayed cringing submissiveness by withdrawal of addressing a recent gathering in Delhi. If it was decided for President and P.M to address the function, they should have done it. Cancellation of it due to Chinese protest is totally wrong. Giving excuses for other reasons doesn’t exonerate from the exposure of weakness on our part. Or we should have displayed enough foresight -- in anticipation of Chinese protest -- not to chalk out such a knotty schedule in the first place. Such instances are galore.

Media coverage also should not give any suggestive hint on this count. To cite an innocuous example, why we should consider meeting of W. Bengal Governor with Dalai as a snub to China? It was a normal courtesy call to him, irrespective of any other consideration.

J&K C.M. Omar Abdulla is right in saying we should have exhibited enough spine while dealing with China. We should support the cause of Tibet and Taiwan also vehemently, he said. Pakistan displayed a robust spine in the face off with America. Why can’t we with China? If we fail to measure up against them – and are convinced -- why to keep a malignant dispute alive, rather concede to their demand and have peace of mind.

Inwardly, India is playing a losing game. Could the outcome be favourable?

December 8, 2011
