What Are You Worth Of ????
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what are you worth of ????

Assistant Editor
college started again after a two mounths gap!!! the same old routine began...hmmm....soo  after 4 hrs of class, came the entreprenuship class, was not much excited about it, becuase it was a boring day from the mourning..

so the class begin and Sir showed us a vedio of the Richard Branson,the CEO of Virgin atlantic.. and there was an interesting question asked to him by the inetrviewer.." what do you think you are worth of?" and the first line of his answer was.. " i have some idea of what i am worth of". Now the class has become inetersting for me. After that vedio we were asked to reflect to our self what we are worth of....  

During that 5min...i was blank..totaly absolutly blank.. i had no idea what i am worth of... then i statrted thinking what defines worth? who all can define one's worth? The worthfullness of me for my parents is different form that of my sister,even though the combination of them is called the 'family'.. the worth of me to my roomate is different form that of my classmate,even though they all are called as friends... so how can we define worthyness of a human begin when we have a complex form of relationship and practices.

By the end of the class the conclusion came as 'the worth is decided by the value we add and receive' it can be family, friends, society...... But i do have some doudts... we are not products which have a well defined specifications and price as i study in marketing to match the perception and value... we are human.. complexly created, complex human..can anyone decide correctly what is the wothyness or value he/she has??
