India Shining...............Really?
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India shining...............really ?

Some days ago, I happened to see the movie “Mother India”, this time I got a chance to watch from beginning upto the end, though I lost some initial part. 

Nargis(Radha) as a new bride comes to her husbands home with so many dreams for her future. The same night she hears her mother in law discussing about the debt of 500/- from the local sahukar and she gets the hint of impending hardship in her life. She and her husband works hard in their field so so bigha zameen, everytime develops good harvest, but ends up in paying off most of the part to sahukar as interest and manages their family with meager which is left. Living in utter poverty and everytime under the cunning threat of sahukar who manages to mould local panchayat’s decision to his favour and takes possession on their land.  Radha manages to convince her husband and they together toil on a land full of bolders and stones, in the process he loses his  bullocks, his hands and becomes handicapped for the rest of his life. His kids and Radha manages to keeps up his morale, however again the sahukar crushes his man’s ego and one night he leaves off his family and escapes.

Radha is left alone in this big sansar, facing nature’s fury, hunger of her kids. At one  moment in life where she becomes weak on seeing her hungry kids, but manages to emerge winner. She grows old, and her kids grows into handsome young men. One inherits same characteristics of principled living and hardworking attitude and other one turns into rebellion  and many times challenges sahukar for his cunning ways of explioiting poor and uneducated farmers. At the end Radha emerges as a Woman, who does not hesitate to kill her son going against  principles and society.

Most of the vintage movies were the portrayal of the than existing society. “Mother India” too was a portrayal of hardship faced by the farmers that time, a person who produces food for whole country, how his family goes hungry. Exploitation and deceit of poor and uneducated farmers by local money lenders. Unflinching faith of poor in GOD, that HE will show them light someday. And most important                                                               “A commitment of a Indian woman towards her family. Unconditional love of a mother towards her kids”.

This was the condition of farmers in 60’s, but it is not different in 21st century either. On one side India is booming with growing economy, whole world considering India as emerging super power and  on the other,news papers are flooded with news of  suicide of famers in the villages. Conditions in rural India has seen less improvement. Farmers still have to depend upon nature for their harvest, when on one side India has produced technologies for improvement in agrarian practices, those technologies have not managed to reached still improvised rural india to that extent. Conditions especially in Eastern Maharashtra Vidarbha region and Andhra Pradesh , farmers commit suicide for paying a loan of as meager as 5000/-. Again the same cycle continues for their offsprings, either they become labourer or fall into anti social line and those families does not manage to come out of the cycle of poverty.

India is country of huge resources, there should be a system to utilize these resources for grass root level. Many perennial rivers, causes flood on one part and on other there is draught. There should be some integration wherein ample water resource in one part could be used in draught region.

Educate Indian Farmers about latest technologies in crops, seeds, new improvements in agriculture practices, water conservation. Develop internship programmes for fresh graduates in rural India, make it mandatory. Allow such kind of work by graduates in boosting up their curriculum vitae.

Facilitate farmers with machineries so that their efficiency increases. Start microfinancing in rural India to stop exploitation of poors by money lenders. Develop the concept of integrated farming as against current individual farming. Develop effective distribution system where in farmers gets proper returns on their produced bounties. Develop road and rail network penetrating remotest remote part of India.

Facilitate rural India to the extent that migration to the cities stop. Farmers lives the life of dignity and feels proud in addressing himself “Son of the soil”.


