Don'T Kill The Story
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Don't kill the story

Sales Director
See interview of Vinod  Mehra

We are wired to enjoy stories, we connect through stories, we laugh with a  good story and we cry when we hear a good story.   A good story can bring a smile to your face or bring tears to  your eyes. ……. Life is a story…..  So why not learn to create a better story and what better channel to share your story than the net….... a medium that connects people across countries, religions and colour.  Having said that, observe the “6” fundamental rules of engagement when writing a story for the web.

  1. The story should have an attention grabbing headline.
  2. Research says that audiences scan through online content, so to grab your audience’s attention, provide a gist of the story in your first 3/5 lines.
  3. The story should be crisp and have short paragraphs.   Because  audience attention span is reducing and the new breed of users prefer to read content on their mobile devices …PDA’s
  4.  Stories should engage the audience.  They should be written with the audience’s interest kept foremost in your mind.
  5. The story’s format should talk to the audience.  Tools such as “Like” ; “Share”; Tweet and “Comments”  engage your audience.
  6. “A picture is worth a thousand words.”  Invest in good multimedia tools and include pictures and videos because that’s what the new platform and the emerging users demand.

Enjoy Reading…..
