Six Ways To Lose Weight, Make Belly Fat Disappear
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Six ways to lose weight, make belly fat disappear

1.Join the green fruit in your diet
Just half an avocado, can provide 10 grams of unsaturated fatty acids, controlling blood sugar spikes.
Peak glucose accumulation of fat in the abdomen is what makes the culprit.
Not too much, just 1/4 of the dose will be able to avoid the generation of belly fat.

2.Reduce salt intake
Too much salt will encourage you to drink more water, so that you look a little swollen.
Do not forget, these hidden in the body of water is also a weight oh.

3.Fiber beat fat
Daily intake of 10 grams of fiber per your lower abdomen to absorb 4% less fat.
Thankfully, we should eat more fiber, and not have to swallow a box of bran flakes for the job, you can choose a more enjoyable way.

4.The first point to make in a restaurant meal person
When the waiter service at your side Inquirer, saying "I'm the last one to" give your abdomen may increase the number burden.
A recent study showed that, compared to obese and normal weight women are more likely to imitate slim woman eating habits.
So, when you go out party, the first meal, so you can make yourself even one or two friends have a more flat belly.

5.Quit the habit of drinking soda every day
Bubbles in carbonated drinks that go anywhere? They can piled on your stomach.
Do not drink soda, soda pop, and Selz carbonated water, and a bottle of lean belly fiber drink it!

6.Stay away from alcohol
Tighten your jeans, part of the reason is that you have the habit of drinking every meal.
As we all know, alcohol can increase cortisol levels, which will make your tummy instantly apparent.
