Jogging To Lose Weight, So You Ran Out Of Thin Beauty Of Life
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Jogging to lose weight, so you ran out of thin beauty of life

1.Running fasting
Fasting food is being digested state, fasting while running can burn fat at the outset, especially before eating breakfast in the morning, then you can run more efficiently burn fat. However, during excessive weight loss diet, if barely running, it will soon no strength. So you want to eat a balanced diet while running, do not force yourself too much is also very important.

2.Do muscle movement before running about 10 minutes
Before running to give muscle stimulation, it can improve combustion efficiency fat. After the muscle movement of the body secretes growth hormone, can make the body lipase increased, so fat you can burn more efficiently. Do squats or abdominal movement, and so on for about 10 minutes will be very effective.
Although it may be a bit tiring, so after the point where it can improve asthma fat burning effects of aerobic exercise. A little break after finishing muscle exercise, such as breathing resumes started running, then the fat will burn very quickly.

3.You can talk to the rhythm of running side
It will not run faster fat burning more quickly, provide sufficient blood and oxygen to the muscles to burn fat is very important. Therefore, do not breathe the rhythm of a long run would be more effective.super slim pomegranate

4.Run 20 minutes or more
Beginning 20 minutes of running energy is consumed in the form of sugar is not the most fat, 20 minutes after the consumption of fat will be large, and therefore want to burn fat, it can be side to the rhythm of the speech it is important to run over 20 minutes.
