The Importance Of Health Line On Your Palm
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The importance of health line on your palm

The health line on the palm is as important as the line of life. It is better not to have a line of health on the hand since the health remains good with the absence of the health line. The line of health starts from the wrist or from the mount of the moon or from the line of life and moves towards the mount of Mercury. The line of health needs to be very clean and deep in its appearance in order to get good health and force in life. If the health line is not strong enough then the life will not be charming.

The health line should be studied along with life line while making prediction as to health. Both the line of health and life line promises good health, peace and happiness in life. The health line as well as life line must be free from crosses, chains, islands or any sorts of irregularities on the palm.

If there is an island on the line of health then it is an indication of serious illness. If the line of health is chain formed then the health will remain miserable throughout life. If the health line has a spot on its then it is an indication of bad health as well. If the line of health is full of chain then there will be severe illness consistently. If the health line is pale and not clearly visible then it will bring health issues relating to bile. The palmist should keep in mind that not all the hands possess line of health.

