Do You Have An Office Spouse?
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Do you have an office spouse?

Management Trainee Human Resource
Is it possible to keep it platonic? Like it or not, work couples are here to stay.

She knows your birthday, your favourite food, worst fear, and deepest, darkest secret. No, it's not your wife, the lady you promised to love and cherish until the day you die. It's your office spouse - a phrase coined to describe the new relationship phenomenon that's being discussed across the globe. Maintaining a healthy relationship with an office spouse can be tricky and sometimes detrimental to your real relationship. But, if you take the right steps, your girlfriend , and she could be friends. And, when that happens , you've got it all right! The office spouse phenomenon While you wouldn't dream of cheating on your loved one to whom you are legally bound/ committed, you do work closely with someone from the opposite sex, all week long - Monday to Saturday . And, sure you've realised that there's a special relationship between the two of you. The comfort of this relationship converts to profits for you or the organisation. For you, personally, though, it means having found a confidante who serves as a sounding board and somebody who strengthens your decisions and tells you when to shut up.

Crossing the line

While most working people have one close friend within the organisation with whom they share workplace office matters, lines begin to blur as proximity increases. Is this also the way office romances start? Perhaps. They do start as innocent friendships, but when you have a steady relationship outside office, don't let the spouse at work disturb what you've got going. Surveys reveal that thousands of people have developed this kind of relationship in the office space. If you are single, your office spouse can ruin all your chances of finding a date or mate. There is a thin line between an office spouse and an affair. The worst would be to be perceived as being attached when you are actually not.

What's the use of an office spouse?

Plenty. Simply put your relationship with her is because you share a compatibility, understanding and comfort. The camaraderie is evident and the laughter can be heard across cubicles. You can trust her, and she trusts you right back. Also, the fact that you and she share the same office goals. Since your dependence on her converts to profit, you give her some leeway and that's what others begin to notice. This is also where you draw the line. While people are free to perceive what they want, you don't mix the relationship at work for anything more. Office lunches are fine, but cosy lunches are unnecessary . Don't give her gifts and there's no room for personal compliments either . Your relationship need not be sterile though. Keep it warm, witty and fun. Just keep romance out of it.


Don't look for romance here. You'll not only lose her, but your girlfriend too. Relationships are dynamic. Be prepared to let go of her when she does.

Befriend her boyfriend/husband/family or all - because it's important for them to see the way the relationship is and not how it appears.

You can have not one but two spouses . Use it as a support system.
