Effective Encoding And Decoding-The Life Blood Of The Effective Communication
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Effective encoding and decoding-The life blood of the effective communication

See interview of Rajib Kumar Jena

Dear Friends,

 Life starts with expressions and ends with expressions. When a small baby gets birth it starts its expressions crying and ultimately awaring mother to give the milk and protects itself from various kinds of the danger. This process is none other than the communication. So communication is a process of expressions of ideas, knowledge, information etc to receiver. It will be short slightness to consider communication is only process of speaking rather it includes body language like facial expressions, hand movement, eye contact etc.So when the baby grows into bit elder, it starts crawling and reveals different kind s of the gestures and postures to gratify it’s needs by the family members. All the members of the family come to know what requirement is there for the baby. So the encoding and decoding process starts taking place between the kid and elders. Communication can be effective when there are the encoded information converted into decoded one and ultimately feedback or the response is given. But there should be enough precautions needs to be taken while being engrossed in this process. So let’s understand the certain aspects of of the encoding and decoding. CERTAIN IMPORTANT STEPS TO BE TAKEN CARE WHILE ENCODING AND DECODING


The encoder must respect to the emotions of the decoder or receiver for the effective channelization of the messages. I came across one of my new student who is a professional and having enormous knowledge but fails communicate her thought properly when her views or emotions are not taken into considerations or due respect is not given. Not only she but also so many people fail to communicate well or fail to receive well due to this factor. So both encoder and decoder should respect to each others views.

Clear messages

The messages should be clear and understandable There is no use of using jargons which does not have effective value and fail to touch the mind of others. Short but brief The information’s should be short and specific which can be effectively analyzed.

Mutual respect

Mutual respect must be there for each other because it facilitates the confidence. If there is no respect between the encoder and decoder, there will be definitely failure to make the process of communication successful. SO IF WE CAN MAINTAIN CERTAIN ASPECTS,OUR FIRST EXPRESSIONS WILL BE CONVERTED INTO FIRST IMPRESSION WHICH IS LONG LASTING LIKE FEVICOL. So dear friends, your comments and compliments are highly solicited. Keep posting your views regarding the article mentioned

Sincerely yours,

Rajib kumar jena
