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How to learn Meditation

Meditation is very good for everyone as it brings numerous benefits to the lives of people practicing it. But unfortunately a lot of people find it very difficult to learn meditation. Perhaps some people begin to accept that it is impossible for them to learn meditation I personally know many such people who have given up the idea of learning meditation as they think it is too difficult for them to learn meditation. Osho has come up with easy to learn meditation techniques which are feasible for such people as they are easy to learn and progress in a gradual manner. Many of Osho’s meditation techniques involve tasks like dancing, singling and body movements. For instance, in one of the task or technique you are supposed to move your body in different forms. You stretch your body which put strain on a particular part of your body, you have to remain in that form and concentrate on the strain.
Concentrating on strain or pain on a particular part of body is far easier than concentrating on your breath. Thus, it becomes significantly easy for those people who find it difficult to learn meditation through breathing exercises. After practicing easy to learn meditation techniques of Osho one can begin practicing meditation through breathing exercise. And now you feel find it far easier to concentrate on your breath than before. So start meditating today and embark on your path to spirituality.