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engg. student
The sense of security has been creping into our life since we were a child.we were put in some good convent school so that we could get a standard percentage of marks in our board exams.we were provided best tutions so that we could get admission in good college.most of us  opted for medical and engineering to be in a safe position.then we choose to jon an organisation where we could have job security and a resonable renumeration.and we lived happily thereafter.But have we ever thought where  our country has reached, with this narrow and  selfish sense of security.With more  than 100 crore people in our country,in olympics we get only a handful of and sports are looked down upon because with our short sighted eyes we dont see any security of livelihood in it.we dont want to take the risk of starting our business or firm and we end our life  working  as  engineers,call center agents,..for foreign organisations.ours is known for cheap labour in the world hah!!..everybody  blames  government for every wrongdoing,but nobody would like to make their carrier in  politics because its different from what everybody else is doing,their is no security  in it,as seen  such.the result is we dont have good,educated and responsible citizens running our country..our movies are lacking in content.Mediocre new comers who dont know acting are becoming stars.Responsible cinema has come on the verge of extinction .Who is responsible for all this?Of course  we are..We never sends our kids  to a school where they could learn acting, dancing,scriptwriting.We  asks our kids to become a doctor or engineer but never to become a politician.
What i mean to say is that if every field is given equal importance,then we can  produce champions in every field and nobody can stop india from becoming an epicentre of talent and leadership..    