Theory Of LOVE
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Theory of LOVE

Regional Manager
Love is generally represented, explained, symbolized and inferred in a very abstract manner. You will find thousands of definitions of this four letter word. Here is another one, my perception of this four letter word and related components like Relationship, Care, understanding and Respect.

I have tried to solve the equation of LOVE and have reached to a conclusion that I will explain you in this Theory of Love.

When two people are in love, as they say, they are said to be in a relationship. Any relationship can be explained by the following formulae:-

Relationship = Care + Understanding + Respect

Relationship is a bond between two individuals who are bonded by Care, Understanding and Respect in equal proportion. If any of these components is less in quantity the relationship bond is weak and chances are there that it may break. Now as these components are so important, we should understand these one by one.

CARE: Care is something that comes from heart. It can never be artificially created. If you do something for someone without expecting anything in return, that is your care for that person. Apure care is always felt by the person who is receiving it. If you care for someone you won’t even think that it might harm you because you think that you are doing your own work and doing one’s own work never harms oneself. A glass of water sometimes can be the most caring gesture.

UNDERSTANDING: Understanding is that component of the relationship bond which is the most difficult to achieve. Understanding is not just knowing what the person wants without asking but it is also accepting an unexpected behavior. It is not just sharing your feelings to an individual but also being ready for a response against you. The mantra for being an understanding person is accepting your mate the way they are.

RESPECT: Respecting an individual’s individuality, ego, beliefs and ideologies plays a very important part in relationship building. Respect is that potion which will make your bond of relationship ever stronger. It’s a well known fact that if you give respect you get respected. Respect is something that can never be demanded it is always earned, and it takes time to get respected genuinely by someone.

If the formula of Relationship is perfect you know that you are in love with that person, that is, if the relationship between two people has ideal amount of Care, Understanding and Respect the relationship can be named as LOVE.

According to me love can happen many times. Love comes to you and you can do nothing, but accept it. There is nothing called true love, if it is love it has to be true.

With Love;

