Listen First Before Assuming
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Listen First before Assuming

I would like to share an e-mail that I received recently. It was in the form of a cartoon strip, I have converted it into text and posted!

The e-mail contains three characters Mom, Dad (Bob) and their 6-year old son, Timmy.

Timmy arrives home from school and strikes a conversation with his parents

Timmy: Mom, I have a drinking problem
Mom: Oh My God!! Timmy, you're only six! This is your fault Bob!
Dad: My fault?? May be if you'd spend more time with him!
Mom: (Fuming at Bob) Our six year old son has a drinking problem!! He sure as hell doesn't need a role model like you!!
Dad: I have done nothing but give for this family, and this is what I get? I' m leaving !!
Mom: (Showing Bob the door) Fine!! I don't need you and Timmy sure doesn't need you!!
Timmy starts crying....
Mom: (Consoles Timmy) Oh Timmy don't cry. It'll be okay. We'll be alright without Daddy. I want you to tell me about your drinking problem.
Timmy removes his bag from his shoulders, goes down on his knees, removes a paper from his bag!
Timmy: (Read out the paper) If Joe drinks one litre of juice & Tom drinks two, how much did they both drink?

This could happen at work, home or anywhere else where people jump into conclusions and not listen!

Good communication is the best solution for many of problems that we face in our life!
Effective communication begins with Listening.
Be a good listener...
Don't jump onto conclusions...take time to listen...analyze the situation...reply back.

Hope this post conveys a message to all readers.
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