Boon Or Ban……shortcut in Life
There was 23-24 year boy Raj who was well educated but …..unemployed and he was so desperate that after initial failure he started living in himself, shutting the door for other opportunity in spite of being born in typical middle class family.
His father is in government job and whatever he earns he spends for the education of his son and little amount he invests in insurance. He used to tell his son to start preparing & to stop thinking of some miracle. Even his mother, who was not much educated but with enough of her experience, encourages him by saying that he will get good job in future as he has good amount of talent but he has to carry on with his studies.
But Raj was so much desperate with his failure that he starts gazing sky at nights for falling stars with a lot of wishes. He starts praying God for some miracle which will change his fortune and his life.
One day he met one monk who tried to convince him and told him to work hard so that he will get good job. But again when he asked for some Shortcuts for his approach the Monk gave him one stick and told him that he can ask for three boons. At the same time he warned him to remember that after the 2nd boon something bad will happen. so he should use it wisely.He was suspecting truthfulness of Monk, so he thinks he should ask for nice food that day. He took his stick and said, “Oh! My loyal stick, give me good food today.” That was his first wish and he went home and finds surprisingly that his dining table was full with good dishes (especially what he likes).When he asked his mother about it she told that that day was his Birthday. After confirming the power of stick at night, he asks for 2nd boon. This time he asks for luxurious home and more comfortable life. Next day when he woke up there was silence & no body was there at home, though his dining table was full with food and there were 2-3 servants who were standing on other side and waiting for his order. But his eyes were searching for His Mother & Father, who were not there. When he enquired about them, his servants told him about their sudden death and how his life changed to comfortable one. His father` s saving nature and futuristic approach; his insurance policy and Government aide for railway accident victim made him rich (his parents died in Train collision).
Although his life was comfortable, now he was not happy. He was missing his parents, he was missing love & affection& he was missing them, with whom he can share his views. Then he remembered that Monk and his words stating that it’s better to work hard in life in stead of thinking for some miracles to happen.
Suddenly he saw that Monk who gave him magic stick. He told him the whole incident and told he was feeling guilty for all that and now he wants every thing to be like as it was earlier. Monk told then that he will loose money and comforts He replied that he wanted his parents & not comforts and money. He also told that he will earn it with hard work in future. Monk reminded him of the last boon left.
He picks up stick and says” Oh! My loyal stick, bring back my earlier life I will work hard & earn all my comforts and will make my parents happier. Suddenly stick disappears and his body starts shaking. He opens his eyes and finds his mother asking him for tea. He wakes up from dream takes an oath that he will now prepare well for job interview.
Now he is living happily ………So sometimes our dreams also teach us insights of life.
Hello everybody this time i m making one experiment with blog and i m writting this blog in story formate. Plz leave ur valubale suggestion and Comments how does u find it. Thanks!.
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