Dark Thoughts
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Dark thoughts

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See interview of Sakshi Gaurav

Dark thoughts

Again a random piece of writing ........

I walk a lane
of haunted thoughts
Memories of my
buried past
linger on like
the shadows of
my dark soul.
Voices from deep
within me
cry out in
a melancholic trance.
I try hard to
soar them in the
spirits of the spring souls
that surround me.
Burn them in the
heat of the young life
around me,
but they like the smoke
of burnt rubber tyre
stay on forever
haunting me and cursing me
in every breath a take.
Killing me softly
in every move i make.
Pulling me to
my earthen bed
with the chains
of darkness that
clatter -clang in a
deafening sound
that silents life and
the universe beyond.
