Just Another Wall
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Just another wall

Web content editor
See interview of Sakshi Gaurav

Hey ! hey you .. yes I am talking to you Mr. Where are you looking ? look here am right in front of you . Stop! Stop whistling like that and get away from me okay. See I am warning you i have just been given this new white dress , and now don’t you dare dirty it .

Haven’t you heard of anything called a public toilet ? Can’t you use that to ease yourself ? Why is it so fascinating for you to perform this shameful act in front of me everyday ? As if this was not enough now you even have the audacity to paint my face with this blobby red liquid ? Why do you eat something like that when you can’t swallow it ?Why do you have to force me to gulp it down my throat ?

Seriously some weird species you humans are , specially the men . I actually don’t have a problem with the women . I guess they can understand my feeling , coz in all these years of my standing i haven’t had a lady perform the act of sprinkling on me . That Oscar can only go to the men !!!

But if you think I will keep quiet and just stand and subject myself to all these tortures, then you are completely wrong . I have my ways of making it even with you. How do you suppose that 13 floor building just collapsed last week ? You thought it was due to bad construction ? Ha Ha......

I hate falling on you , but there is no other way to vent my anger . You don’t really seem to bother much when I am damp with my tears or when my clothes start to tear and tatter here and there , you just patch them up , rather than getting new ones for me . After all if you so strongly believe that we have ears , then why do you miss out the fact that we have a heart too !!!
