When Intelligence Is Hijacked By Hormones
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When Intelligence is hijacked by Hormones

Sr HR & Employee Relations

When Intelligence is hijacked by Hormones-Santosh Kumar.P, H.R.Professional writes:

Dear Sir,

I was goingthrough your recent post, “fusing friendship into love & sex – anideal medicine for peace & bliss”. In the recent times, the newschannel flashed a hot news on one swamiji’s leela, clandestinely takenby camera. 14th Feb Valentines Day, was also made into an issue by somepolitical parties in India; I have been thinking on this question, forquite sometime.

I feel that more than celebrating ValentinesDay, there is an imperative need for educating the young minds on love and Sex which are designed by the super power for a healthy and happylife. The rule of the nature is, every specie living on this planet atempts to reproduce and hence human beings are also not an exception.The present young generation, in a large measure takes life for grantedand they want to do whatever they want with their body, unmindful ofthe consequences. Because, they are of the opinion that withadvancement in the medical technology, there is a cure for everything.

Iam a management graduate and also possess knowledge on human psychology& my wife is a Gynecologist. What I would like to communicate tothe younger generation especially the opposite sex is that what happensto their body before marriage is important and they should notexperiment too much, as westerners do.

The young generation isbeing exposed to sex at the young age of 10 to 12 thanks to the accessto internet. If you go through medical records in recent times thenumber of cases of abortion is more with unmarried females: thisincludes both educated & uneducated females in cities &villages between the age group of 18 and 25. The figure is only anunder estimation, as the private practicing doctors don’t release theexact data.

But young girls are unable to understand what wouldhappen to their health in later years of their life. Due to abortion ortaking birth control pills...etc before marriage, many problems likemiscarriage, breast cancer, cervical cancer, urinary infection…etc.,take place after marriage. It’s important to understand that the femalebody is made of chemicals or Hormones that play their role. .Multipleaffairs with partners before marriage have their own consequences.Later they know the importance of the relationship between husband& wife & of the parenthood. We see so many divorce within fewyears after marriage. I am not saying that sex & sexuality are bador dirty; they are perfectly fine only when they are conducted in aconducive atmosphere of healthy family life, and not before marriage.

Thereare so many medicines or drugs available in the market; companies showvery good advertisement, but they never picture the side effects of thedrug & how it causes damage later to the body. We may take thedrugs to rule over the act, but later the drug will be ruling yourlife. Then feeling sorry for life has no meaning. The presentgeneration has a lot of confidence that they can achieve whatever theywant in life, but what is required is to know more about life, andfollow some ethics in life.

In one of the interviews of SadhguruJiggi Vasudev, when asked about by one who is thinking all the timeabout sex , the swami said that there is nothing strange about it andit is just that his intelligence has been hijacked by his hormones.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNMKdrEVhsk (www.ishayoga.org )
TheYounger generation has to understand the rules of life. There is a lotto enjoy in married life and don’t get misled in the teens. Request forthe parents: They need to spend more time with their children &discuss the issues rather than watching tele serials on TV; they shouldtreat them like friends & the parents must see that their childrenget married at 26years:Late marriage will have their own set ofproblems :career is also important , but life is more important thananything else.
What is missing today is the communication betweenchildren & parents. There is so much to learn from our Indianheritage & culture. Parents should make their children to learn anyclassical music instrument or Yoga or classical dance right from theirchildhood without affecting studies .This kind of active life will givethem the confidence, maturity & discipline in life during theiradolescent years.
As the wording goes, Your Wisdom is, as vast assky…, You have filled life around you, with wonders & loveliness..,You make our world Beautiful, You give love in the form of Sister,Friend, Beloved, Wife, in the form of Mother, in the form ofGrandmother & .so on.
Posted byD Sambandhanat4:58 AM0comments