Why Must Women Who Are Not Interested In Cooking Still Do It As A Duty?
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Why must women who are not interested in cooking still do it as a duty?

I was always good at academics all through out my life and have always aspired to work and bring great earnings home to take care of the family! Not once in my whole life I felt like cooking out of duty. I know each and everyone in this world have to be self dependent and have to learn all the skills to live. So I have learnt basic cooking which will help me sustain in emergencies or cook for fun or a change. But I was never fond of making it my daily chore all my life. My parents wondered if I could get a rich husband who could afford a cook for me all my life.

After marriage,lucky for me I never needed to go to kitchen for more than a decade unless the cook is absent. But there are lots of ladies in India, who dont have this option that they could concentrate on other works they loved the most. Its understood that in most cases a newly married Bahu( after the few weeks of honeymoon) is expected to be in the kitchen whether she likes it or not. Does anyone bother to ask her whether she likes to cook eternally /perennially or does she have any other passion? Why is this indifference of attitude of thrusting the kitchen onto the femine group? If they are not interested cant they be given a choice to choose their career free of these strings? I pity all the women who are forced to do cooking or any housework which they dont like as a regular routine / duty month after month, year after year, decade after decade and till they bite the dust!!

You might ask who will cook then? From where will we get money for a cook?And so on...... ITS ALL IN THE RIGHT ATTITUDE!!:)
