Mumbai In Terror - A Prayer
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Mumbai in Terror - A Prayer

Mumbai yet again is under terrorist attack which started at 10:00 pm last night and there seems to be no recluse till this present moment…

This post is a prayer for Mumbai still under terror, and for the rest of the World.

With all the news on terror we have accustomed to reading in the headlines and watching on television, about bomb blasts, terrorist attacks, and innocent killings happening all around us, one tends to remember only the headlines and forgets’ that life has love, beauty and creativity to offer. But how are these life’s essentials to coexist in a world where power dominates and money motivates. It’s been written that history will repeat itself, but we also have come to understand that we have the power to learn from history and help change the future – our future.

Today lets us all take a small step in re-writing history. Today let’s take a small pause and really re-examine our lives, to know who we are, and where we have headed - as individuals, as countries, as people living and sharing the same planet, and as humanity as a whole. Today let’s spread love and peace to all around us; a seed of life which I hope will spread like wild flowers, today in our beloved Mumbai, and tomorrow blossom and spread its fragrance across the rest of the world.

While we may claim that one person cannot change the world and place responsibility on others or blame the institutions in power, at the end of the day it’s our world. No amount of rationalizing or blaming can preempt the moment of choice each of us brings to our situation here in Mumbai and on our Planet.

We have fought enough wars in the past for freedom, for power, for religion, for many worthy causes and many innocent have been slain. In a war there are no winners, everyone loses, we know that now, and yet we continue on a path that can only lead to the destruction of a Planet we have come to call Home.

It’s not just the terror we are facing on the outside, it’s the war waging within each and every one of us. We are living in the most difficult times.

Is it the end of living and the beginning of survival? A new era is upon us, where we have no time to enjoy a sunset, to feel the cool breeze by the sea, to admire the beauty in trees and flowers, and to appreciate the gift of life.

And yet we continue to live in the secure confines of our own precious little worlds where we struggle to make it through each day, hope for a better tomorrow, and satisfy ourselves in the meantime by tending to our petty desires. But is this what we are here for?

So how does it all end? If you seek the end you must go back to the beginning where the answers to all your questions reside. There exists a world we perceive and experience on the outside and our senses are the doorway, but there also exists an inner world in which lies our capacity to love instead of hate, create instead of destroy, and rejoice instead of suffer. It’s this space each one must seek.

In the end, there is a new beginning, and each new day offers us a new chance; a new seed can be planted, a seed of life and opportunity to make a difference in the world around us.

To my beloved Mumbai…may she find Peace.

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