"You Can Make A Difference…!!!"
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"You can make a difference…!!!"

Business Head
At 211 degrees, water is pretty hot.
But at 212, it's boiling, and making steam.
Only one degree which has made the difference. While hot water is a nice thing when you are taking a shower, boiling water has a lot more potential you can use it to cook or to run a steam engine.

The point is, one degree made that difference. One, just one.

Take a look at your life right now. No matter where you are, or how happy you are with it, there is always room for that extra degree. The one that takes you from hot to steaming!!
Take a look at the results that you are getting out of life. Sit down and really think about it. What ways can you add that extra degree and become much more useful.

You can make a difference…!!!

best wishes
shipra yadav
