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Happy Dosti Day! Promise
Promise! These are the final images from Sri Lanka It's a lazy sunday evening. I am postponing what I need to do on a super urgent basis. This is my relaxation hour before I attack my work. The home is unusually quiet. Even Kiara is fast asleep at my feet ( she hates the rains, and we struggle to get her into her doggie raincoat four times a day when she needs to be walked ). Nostalgia has kicked in, and I found myself browsing idly through the Colombo album. This is what I found : The sculpture is of the legendary Architect Bawa. Why the Osama- turban? Dunno. But I like it! The other installation is obvious enough.It was in the lobby of the Hilton, imaginatively put together to mark FIFA. The pelican sculpture is from one of Dobb's gorgeous properties, perhaps The Sun House. It caught Arundhati's fancy and she clicked it - as she has clicked all the other images, too. Like the infinity pool at Kadju House - another boutique hotel I'd mentioned in an earlier post.And there is the final image of the tranquil lagoon at the Hilton, with a swan gliding over the water. Pleasing , soothing stuff to feast ones eyes on and celebrate a special day.
Happy Friendship Day, Blogdosts!!!! May our ties become stronger, deeper and more meaningful ! Have a glass of the best and raise a toast to virtual dosti!
I was going to post my 'Khattaa Meetha' review here, but decided against it. Slightly stale - what do you think????

Happy Friendship Day, Blogdosts!!!! May our ties become stronger, deeper and more meaningful ! Have a glass of the best and raise a toast to virtual dosti!
I was going to post my 'Khattaa Meetha' review here, but decided against it. Slightly stale - what do you think????