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'Powerless' in South Mumbai

Before I get to the grim news (power failure), here's something for you to exercise your grey cells. The Guessing Game goes on. But only for one picture. The second one, featuring 2 professional models ( at the time). It was shot for 'Femina' by the legendary photographer, Jitendra Arya. These are dinosaur images clicked in the dark ages. You have to guess the year...
And the pic on top is of two of my daughters, Anandita and Avantikka, clicked last week. I rather liked it. And have taken their permission before posting it here. Young Vishwaveer who clicked it, could make the cut as a photographer. Agree???
The bijli went at 3 a.m. on sunday. It is 8 p.m. monday right now, and I am still in the dark. Along with thousands of others in South Mumbai. BEST (ironical name for the Electric Company that has let us down so badly!)insists it's 'trying' to restore power. Not trying hard enough, I'm afraid. I'm thinking about those living on the 25th floor. The elevators aren't working either! What happens during a medical emergency?? Add the sweltering October heat factor.... this isn't fun.