How about a Designer Life ????

Designer is the buzz word now...
Be it watches, be it vehicles, be it apparel, be it foot ware, or even food, people prefer everything designed and custom made.
Designer Spouse???? (Don't know, need enlightenment here)
Everything is designer these days except life.
It is not a designer life, it is a driven life.
Driven by: Need, Greed, Passion, People, Places, Affluence, Influence, Desires, Compassion, Conditions, constraints, Fear, Feelings, Emotions, Insecurity and so many other factors.
An individual is so much conditioned that the real identity is lost in the quagmire of modern day compulsions.
Given the conditions, Can we even imagine, designing and living a life of our choice?
I think it is possible at least an attempt should be made.
I feel the life is too precious to be allowed to be dictated by outrageous extraneous physical or psychological factors.
My article just published on wikiHow is a humble attempt to address the situation. The article is titled……
“How to design a life of your choice???”
Abstract from the article:
"Generally people believe in the axiom that says, “You should take life as it happens”. Some use it to justify their inaction or lethargy. Some people even lie dormant expecting the life to work miracles for them. How many people are there who say, Come on, let us try and work to make life happen, the way we want to take.
A lot of people tend to take life for granted. They think that by the time they are in their 40s or 50s everything will fall into place by itself. The truth is, for most people, only after 20 or 30 years of working, they discover what they do not want, without a clue as to what they really want in life.
Many people (almost everyone) want a dream life, but they do not know where to begin, they just take the path which is most hassle free. They follow the crowd, where everyone ends up like everyone else. After few years down the line, they just stop and wonder, what has happened to their life. They suddenly realize that the path they have traversed doesn’t lead them to the desired destination, and it is too late to correct it."
Please follow the link to read the complete article and join the discussion.
“How to design a life of your choice???”
Best wishes,
Please read my other interesting articles.
THE INCOMPLETE STORY.... Vaikuntha Lata and the "Battle of the Bulge"
Shyam's attempt at short story remains incomplete for want of creative ideas.Readers are requested to use their creativity to complete the story.
"Ranjit was impressed with Daigi dedication and slowly started entrusting him with larger responsibilities. One such responsibility put both Daigi speechless."
" Slowly Ranjit raised his head and started slowly, “I have an idea Daigi, an idea that would get both entertainment and conversion” "
"Ranjit began slowly and hesitatingly, in an almost inaudible tone he asked."
“How about Vaiki for the last item”
Glossary: Vaikuntha: Paradise,Lata: plant climber or creeper.